Monday, August 22, 2016

Hot Philly Cheesesteak on a Hawaiian Roll...enough said!

St. Joseph, MI

We leave for Michigan in 3 days, 19 hours and 31 minutes, but, who's counting?  Don't worry, this post will be up AFTER we've gone and returned home (and the kids have started school).

I'm trying to be productive by getting my laundry together and am starting to pack.  By pack, I mean I've thought about where my duffle bag is and what clothes I may put in it.  Since originally writing this post, the kids packed themselves (with me double checking) that afternoon and it made things so much easier! 

When we get home we will hit the ground running with tons of babysitting kids and the school's annual "meet the teacher". Let's also not forget sports practices and games for three kids and running my oldest to his job at Chic-Fil-A. Sounds like I need some easy dinner ideas. 

I've previously blogged about an easy chicken taco recipe cooked in the cock pot.  Here's the link (you should just be able to copy and paste into your browser):

Make ahead everything burritos are also really good. Here's another link to that recipe:

I've kept my old menus so I have some ideas ready.  I also see patterns in what I serve.  This summer has been full of  sandwiches.  They are usually easy to prepare and can be made in infinite ways.  My oldest always asks for my "roast beef to the rescue" sandwich.  I came up with this recipe as an entry for an old contest.  I had to make a video as part of the contest.

When I was at my mom's house we made Hot Philly Cheesesteak on Hawaiian Rolls.  We did make a double batch to make sure we could feed all the hungry mouths. 

You will need:
1# good, sliced roast beef-chopped
1/2 sweet onion sliced thin
1/2 sweet pepper sliced thin
2 packages of Hawaiian Rolls cut in half (cut tops off to fill sandwich)
8 oz. sliced provolone cheese
3/4 cup mayo
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp onion powder
salt and pepper to taste
3 tbsp. melted butter
1 tbsp. canola oil

Preheat oven to 350

Cut the top of the rolls off and set aside.  Place the bottom of the buns on a cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil and spray with cooking spray.  Spread the mayo on the bottom half of the buns.

In a pan over medium heat 1 tsp canola oil and begin to cook the onion and pepper until softened.  Remove from heat and set aside. When cooled, spread evenly on the bottom layer of bread.

Add the roast beef to the pan and season with the Worcestershire, garlic and onion powder and paprika.  Once it has been heated through, place on top of the onion and pepper mixture.

Top with provolone cheese and put the tops of the buns back on.  
Brush tops of buns with melted butter and bake for 10-15 min.

These are incredible.  They even tasted great cold the next day.

Enjoy and Blessings!

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