Friday, February 28, 2014

The Easy Button

My mom was visiting us a few months ago....well more than a few, but not quite half a year ago.  (I'm trying to make the case for another visit soon.) Anyway, Natalie had brought out one of her favorite board games...Candy Land.  That game is at the bottom of Nana's favorite list.  I feel the same about Chutes and Ladders.  (ugh) Personally, I don't mind Candy Land.  Even though the first five minutes usually involves explaining again why we don't stack the deck with the "icy pops" on top and please stop crying about it.  I could see Nana cringe but gamely put a smile on.  She then proceeded to tell me that in order to make the game go quicker when we were younger she had removed half the cards. I sat in utter shock that she had done that and why hadn't I thought of it sooner? Mom really does know best. When Natalie wasn't looking, I quickly followed suit and snatched all but four of the single space cards.  Avid players will know what I speak of. Natalie was none the wiser and we were done in like ten minutes. 

Why the long intro to a post what will ultimately end in dinner?  Well, 1. I want my parents to come back soon.  2. To share a "easy button" dinner recipe.  From start to finish it takes just about 30 minutes.

Today it's my "Everything Burritos" I call then everything because I really try to cram a lot of goodness in these beauties.  I was at Aldi's and spotted some ground beef that was $3 off.  I cook for six people and that is a huge savings for me.  This recipe will serve at least 8-10 people. 

Everything Burritos

2# ground beef
1 med onion, diced
2 packets taco seasoning
1/2 tsp cinnamon (My personal taste.  I love the way cinnamon plays off the cumin in the taco             seasoning.)
1 can refried beans
1 cup left over rice
1 can whole corn, drained
6 oz processed block cheese (liquid gold)
2 small cans enchilada sauce (I used mild)
2 packages of flour tortillas
2 cups shredded cheese plus 1/2 cup to later garnish with

Top with:
Shredded cheese
Shredded lettuce
Chopped tomato
Sour cream

Preheat oven to 375
Brown the meat, draining fat. 
Add onions, cook until translucent
Add rice, corn, refried beans, cinnamon, seasoning packets, the water required on packet, the processed cheese.  I cube my cheese so it melts in easier. 

When  everything comes together in the pan, I remove it from the heat. 
 Here comes the trickiest part:

Take your tortilla, place two spoonful's of meat mixture (1/4 cup) in the center. 
Fold the sides to meet in the middle.

Now, fold the other sides in and place in the pan.

Next, cover these beauties with the sauce.
And now the cheese and as you can see, only a few of my peeps like black olives.                               
Bake in the 375 oven for 15-20 minutes.  Keep in mind, the filling is all cooked.  What you really want is the cheese to get all melty and gooey.                                                                                    
  If you wanted to make these ahead of time and freeze them for a later dinner, that would be great. Or make half a pan for now, and half a pan for later.  Keep in mind that this recipe will feed a lot,
can easily be divided into two pans.           
When the cheese is melted, pull from the oven and serve.  I like to put the lettuce and cilantro right on top.                                                                                      

There you go.  One of my top ten "easy button" dinners.  Seriously comes together super fast.  Can be made ahead....and is a crowd pleaser. 

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