Thursday, July 3, 2014

Just another summer day.

Summer is my favorite season, unless it's fall or spring.  The birds chirping, flowers blooming and the musical sound of children's laughter.  It's all hands on deck with the kids home all day.  If dinner's not planned ahead, chances are it's gonna be a cereal kinda night. 

This past Monday at 8am the sound of my crazy train began to increase in volume.  It hadn't reached 
"fighting words" but in an effort to head the drama off, we hit the hiking trails.  It was a great hike. Two hours in the woods does wonders to blow off steam.  Ominous black spiders we came across encouraged us to keep a good pace.  They also kept whiny kids from sitting down and pouting. 

Creepy black spiders! Great motivation.

We made it back in one piece, ate lunch and hit the pool for another hour and a half.  The idea being to wear all the "p and v" out of my sweeties.  It worked.  In the process it wore any energy out of me too.  Good thing for everyone that I had dinner planned!

 I put frozen chicken thighs in the crock pot before we went to the pool.  Two packets of taco seasoning, an 8 oz can of tomato sauce and 8 oz of water added to the thighs ensured that when I was ready, it was time for chicken tacos!

These chicken thighs shred easily and can be eaten alone as tacos or add a few more ingredients for chicken enchilada's. 

Later on in the week it was grilled turkey sausage and pineapple with grilled potato packets. 

The potato packets were super easy.  I used a mandolin to slice my potatoes and onions. I layered them in foil with sliced garlic, plenty of salt and pepper and fresh dill.  I tossed them on the grill forty-five minutes before I was ready to do the sausage and pineapple. 

Tonight's dinner? Breakfast! I do this at least twice a month.  Sausage patties, eggs and maybe French toast.  Filling and comforting, there isn't much complaining when this is served. Hopefully this has given some ideas and encouragement.  Blessings and have a Happy Fourth of July!

Near the end of the hike and still smiling!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good, Anne. Glad to see you thought of the hike to ward off the scwabbling!And I like the idea of chicken in crockpot for tacos.
