Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Spring musing and a recipe for Seared Chicken Tips

I am waiting for Summer with mixed emotions.  I’m excited because my kids will be home all day and our schedule will lighten up.  I’m nervous because my kids will be home ALL day and with that is nonstop action.  I’m learning the older I get, the more I enjoy order.

Day Baby #1
Day Baby #2
My day babies don’t pepper me incessantly with: “What are we going to do today? When are we going swimming? Can I go play at x, y or z’s house? Why can’t I play Xbox all day? Why do I have to read this book, I’m not in school! Can you make her be quiet? Can you make him leave me alone?” The babies are easy.  Mickey Mouse Club House and reading story books makes them happy. Going for a two mile stroller ride is easy. Nobody’s legs get tired. No one gets bit by a swan.
All in all though, I can’t complain.  (Even if I just did.) I will enjoy not making lunches at 6am. I know I should have them make their own. I’ve tried. I don’t want to spend crazy money on hot lunch for four children, so I make plain ‘ole PB&J.

With the change in weather, comes a change in menu. Heavy comfort food begins to give way to something lighter.  My family and I went out for Easter Lunch to celebrate my daughter’s eighth birthday.  I ordered a chicken tip dinner.  It consisted of chunks of chicken breasts marinated in spices and seared off on the flat top.  The gravy wasn’t special and the instant rice was pretty bland, but that chicken carried the dish.  I wanted to recreate it last week for my family.  It turned out great!

Grilled Chicken Tips
2# Chicken breast cut into chunks
1 pkt Italian salad dressing
2-3 tbsp olive oil separated
1 red pepper thinly sliced
½ sweet onion thinly sliced
1 tsp minced garlic
1 cup chicken stock
Salt and pepper to taste
1.Combine the chicken, Italian salad dressing and olive oil in a gallon size ziplock bag.  Let it sit for at least an hour.

2. Preheat oven to 350
3. In cast iron skillet over medium high heat, sear the chicken in 1 -2 tablespoons of olive oil. When the chicken is browned on all sides, remove to a 350 degree oven. Repeat until all chicken seared. It will finish cooking in the oven.  It won’t need a lot of time, about 15-20 min. Until a meat thermometer reads 165.

4. Add veggies, minced garlic and remaining oil to the skillet. Cooking until they’re tender.
5. Add the chicken stock and scrape up the bits on the bottom of the pan. You want to make sure that while you’re searing the chicken that the pan doesn’t get too hot and char the bottom.  Otherwise, when you scrape the bottom after adding the broth you’ll get a burned, bitter taste.

Add the chicken back to the pan with the veggies and top with fresh basil.
I serve this with a couscous salad. Super Tasty.

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