Friday, June 30, 2017

One Heck of a Month! Plus, a yummy sandwich recipe.

It’s been a little while since my last post.  For some reason, I can be super creative when I’m supposed to be listening at church.  Literally dozens of ideas were rattling around in my brain until I told myself to pay attention!!! The last month has been bursting with new experiences; bear with me as I try to narrow my topic down.

Tulum Ruins
My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary early and we went to Cancun, Mexico.  It was the first time I’ve been away from my kids for that long.  Ever! We were gone for 5 days. I didn’t worry since my parents came down and stayed with them, it helped knowing they were in awesome hands. We also had neighbors that pitched in to give my mom a break. Lucas did wind up calling a few nights to prolong bedtime, but for the most part my kids held it together and kept the sibling rivalry to a minimum.

One of my favorite memories of the trip was when my husband turned to me and asked, “You’re a world traveler now; where do you want to go next?”

We packed a lot into our time there.  We swam with dolphins and snorkeled in the ocean. We explored the ruins of Tulum and even jumped off a 14 foot cliff.  The camera malfunctioned and didn’t record my leap, so you’ll have to take my word for it.
I'm at the top of the cliff.

When we got back home we took my oldest son to his week long summer mission trip to Camden, SC, called Salkehatchie ( and it’s sponsored through the United Methodist Church.  This was Will’s fourth year attending and he looks forward to it every year.  Teens from all over the state of South Carolina (And some from Arkansas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin) come together and rehabilitate homes for those in need. The teens, under adult supervision (Will is editing this and can say adult supervision was not the case), hang siding, rip up and then lay new floors, as well as many other home repairs.  It’s a beautiful thing. 

I am so proud of who Will is growing up to be.  I try to leave him out of these posts to respect his privacy , but I want to share the feelings I’ve had lately of watching him grow away from me and into an adult. That’s the whole point of being a parent, isn’t it? Raising them to be productive, kind people? He’s fiercely independent and more than a little stubborn.  He’s shown great choices in the people he chooses to hang out with. It’s just a little sad to think that he won’t always be here cracking jokes with me.  It’s an adjustment to go from being the center of someone’s world to watching from the sidelines. 

Maybe that’s why Mary treasured all the things up in her heart when Jesus was little. (Luke 2:19) She knew He was special and for a little while she was his center. What a responsibility we all have as mothers to train these little people in a way that we don’t diminish the specialness God places in each of them. Holding them close to us, kissing their boo boo’s and at the same time not worrying when your son drives off to run errands in his new (used) SUV.

Mary was there through a lot of Jesus’ ministry. She was there for his first miracle (John 2:1-5).  She was there as he hung from the cross. (John 19:26-27) I look to Mary as a godly example of motherhood. 

How do I love with open hands that encourage my child to become who God knows them to be?  It’s a challenge not to hold them so closely to me that they don’t or can’t leave. My second son told me the other day that he’s going to Afghanistan as a missionary. What do you say to that? No? Don’t go?

Will and Nana.
It’s difficult to think ahead and think of a time when we won’t all be together under the same roof; yet, it’s exciting and rewarding to see Will (and the rest of them) grow into who God knows them to be. But, today is not this day! This day my son is still with me.  Ok, technically, he’s working at Chick-fil-A a lot of the time, but I think you get the picture. 

I know my time with him is limited so I’m a little more willing to cater to him.  I want him to come back home after all. With that in mind, I like to make some dinners he likes.  (I was wondering when I started this blog how I’d get a recipe in here.) One of his favorites is “Roast Beef to the Rescue”. Cute, right? It’s a roast beef sandwich on crusty bread with a spread made of cream cheese and sun dried tomato pesto. It was another recipe I had entered in Paula Deen’s recipe contest with Philadelphia Cream Cheese back in 2010. Here’s the link to the YouTube video and the recipe follows:

Roast Beef to the Rescue


6 ciabatta rolls

1 pound shaved roast beef

8oz shredded mozzarella cheese

1 sweet Vidalia onion, sliced thin

1 sweet colored pepper, sliced thin

1 8oz block cream cheese, softened

2 tbsp sundried tomato pesto

 Lettuce leaves/sliced tomato (optional)

1.       Preheat oven to 350

2.       In a small bowl combine the softened cream cheese and sundried tomato pesto

3.       In a small sauce pan, cook the onion and peppers until softened. Add a pinch of salt and pepper

4.       Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, lay the bottom of the buns and layer with the roast beef, onions and peppers. Top with mozzarella cheese.  On the top bun, slather it generously with the cream cheese spread and sprinkle on some more mozzarella cheese.

5.       Bake the sandwiches for 5-10, until the cheese is melted and gooey.

6.       Top with the lettuce and tomato slices and serve with carrot sticks and maybe a fruit salad.

Enjoy your babies. Learn about what makes them special, teach them about Jesus and love them with open hands.

I’ll leave you with Proverbs 15:20: A wise son brings joy to his mother.

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