Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Philly Cheesesteak Zucchini Noodles

My name is Anneliese Barz, and it’s been 4 weeks since I started a diet. I have never been on a diet before.  There was a tiny part of life where I did replaced a few meals with Slim Fast, but other than that, this is my first go at it.

There is a meal plan I'm following. It consists of four meals eaten four hours apart. They are around 300-350 calories. It’s been a good wake up for me regarding portion sizes. I may really enjoy the crunch of a tortilla chip and the smooth, buttery queso dip it plunges into, but I don’t need to eat so much of it. Moderation.

There is a group of us moms in the neighborhood who are doing this together. I really feel the group accountability has helped. I also finally bit the bullet and got a Fit Bit Alta. My goal has been to get more steps than my husband, and what do you know? I beat him my first week!

I have lost 7 pounds. I had hit a scary high weight around Christmas, and I managed to drop some before we started the program. The last time I weighed that much there was at least a baby to show for it.  I hear the body positive messages out there, telling me that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my belly and to love myself at any size. I agree with it to an extent. As a way of celebrating turning 40 last year, I got a bikini. So, I have embraced confidence at any size. 

It's just, I really feel the down side to that is settling. Settling for not being my best me because it’s uncomfortable to be hungry. It’s scary to even start a diet because fear of failing was holding me back. I am lazy and prefer the easy way of doing things. Don’t we all?
A scripture was staring me in the face as my Bible Study group got into Romans. Romans 12:1 specifically. 

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
It helps to lessen the cravings by praying.  By offering my discomfort up to God.  Submitting my desire for more to Jesus helps to sharpen my focus on Him.  Romans 7:15-25 and Romans 8:1 help explain a little better.

My flesh tells me I NEED to eat all this junk. It wants nothing to do with restraint. It wants to do what it wants to do, not what it should do.  It’s very similar to a child that only wants to eat sugar and fat. It’s not a sacrifice to eat whatever I want, in quantities that are double or triple the serving size.
Luckily, it’s also not a sacrifice to eat some of the meals I’ve put together. Part of this eating plan includes a lot of fruit and veggies.  I purchased a veggie spiralizer to make the zucchini noodles I’ve seen on Facebook. It’s pretty fun, and also nutritious.
I came up with a Philly Cheesesteak over Zucchini Noodles.
Here’s the recipe:
1-2 zucchini spiralized to make 4 cups
½ cup thinly sliced onion
1 cup thinly sliced sweet pepper
2 tsp olive oil--divided
2 frozen Philly Cheesesteak Patties (Steak-Eze Brand that I found at Aldi)
½ cup shredded sharp white cheddar cheese
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp minced garlic
Salt and pepper to taste

In a medium skillet (I use my cast iron) cook the onions, peppers and garlic in 1 tsp of olive oil until just tender. Remove them from the pan and add the remaining tsp of oil. 

Add the Philly Cheesesteak patties, browning them and breaking them apart.  When they’re browned, add the zucchini noodles and worcesershire sauce.  Stirring frequently.  When the zucchini begins to soften, add the onions, peppers and garlic back to the pan.  Stirring them together.  Top with cheese and serve when the cheese is melted.  You could pop it under the broiler for a few minutes to give it a beautiful golden color. 


Serves 2-4

Philippians 3:14
I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.



  1. Proud of you, Anne. You will be inspiring other women with your words and recipes. Many blessings!
    Maria M.
    (One of your basil-pesto-pasta fans ).

  2. What a great post! Thank you for reminding me what it's all about!
