Friday, October 17, 2014

Dream a Little Dream...Wait, Make That a BIG DREAM!!

If you could drive three hours to chase your dream, would you?  That’s a question I’m asking myself today.  I want to go on Next Food Network Star.  It’s a big, crazy dream.  It’s a dream that thousands of other people have, but I do too. 

I’ve applied twice to Chopped, and I’m still waiting for their call.  I’ve made cooking videos on You Tube to enter a cream cheese competition and did not win.  From those recipe contests I did come up with my Bodacious Berry Tart, which did win grand prize in Taste of Home’s Market Fresh contest. 

I’m trying to teach my kids to think about what they really like to do in life, and go after it.  When I was five, I wanted to be a mommy.  Check and check.  The ten year old in me wanted to write, so I blog.  I can’t help but feel like there’s something else out there.  What comes to mind? Going on tv in front of millions of people to cook.  Not exactly a common dream, but it’s my dream. 

What on earth would I cook for the judges: my Bacon Mozzarella Chicken meatballs in a spicy tomato sauce.   It’s a recipe I came up with after reading someone else’s take on a Buffalo Chicken Meatball.  I put bacon in mine; which meant that I finally had a use for my meat grinder. 

Unfortunatly, my recipe is now missing.  Whatever random note pad I scratched it out on has come up missing…ugh.  At least I took pictures.  I’ll have to remake them.  I'll post the recipe after I do that.  
Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the picture and remember not to ever give up on your dreams.  No matter how impossible.

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