Thursday, September 4, 2014

Peanut Butter Chocolate Toffee Bark! Oh, and the kids are in school!

It’s hard to believe that it’s two weeks into the school year.  My sweet baby has entered Kindergarten and my oldest is now a freshman in High School.  Amazingly, I haven’t cried about the time past.  It could be because I’ve been relishing the silence in my now quiet home. 

There have been adjustments I’ve had to make.  For example, I have started talking to the dog, really talking to him. Like, when I am going upstairs, or outside, or anywhere.   I am so used to having to tell the little people in earshot where I was at.all.times.  The second I thought I’d slip away to…maybe use the bathroom or just go upstairs to make my bed someone would come through the house yelling my name. 

Showers too are a now realized luxury.   Where before I’d take two minutes (literally) to wash up now I can take as long as I want!  Before, I’d have to strain my ears to make sure there were no screaming fights happening.  Please know, it only takes 20 seconds to go from calm to stormy in my house.  We are very passionate people. 

What else have I been doing besides cultivating my relationship with Jett, or showering? I’m so glad you asked.  I made Jalapeno Peach Jam.  It’s addictive.  I made it into a chicken wing glaze.  Crazy good.  Today I’m gonna try and make Strawberry Jalapeno Jam.  My garden is bursting with jalapenos.  It’s the one thing the deer won’t eat.

I made a piecrust.  It wasn’t beautiful, but it tasted ok.  Maybe that was the tomato pie that went in it…Harry was pretty disappointed that it wasn’t a sweet pie.  Like, it was a cruel joke.  Technically it was a fruit pie. 

Anyway, I’d like to share a recipe for crack.  Well, not the cocaine kind.  The kind of candy treat that is dangerous. 


K.C.’s Peanut butter Chocolate Toffee Bark

2 sticks of butter
1 cup of brown sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 sleeve saltine crackers
1 cup peanut butter baking chips
1 cup semi sweet baking chips
1/3 cup chopped peanuts

Preheat oven to 350. 
Line a 15x10 cookie sheet with foil.  Spray liberally with cooking spray.  Arrange the saltine crackers in a single layer. 

On the stove, over medium high heat, bring the butter and brown sugar to a boil.  Make sure you’re stirring it so it doesn’t scorch on the bottom of the pan.  Add the vanilla extract and pour over the crackers.  Spread it evenly then bake for 13 minutes in a 350 degree oven. 
Take out and sprinkle on the baking chips.  Let it rest and soak up the heat for a few minutes and with an offset spatula, spread the chips into a glaze. 
Sprinkle on the chopped peanuts and try super hard to let it set up and cool. 
After an hour, or when the bark can be cut apart without sticking to your knife, cut into pieces.   


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