Friday, August 1, 2014

Pass the syrup.

Well, booger.  I had a post 75% done…then my computer shut down, and poof it’s gone.  My post started out almost funny.  I shared that I had taken back a swim suit and got new yoga pants instead.  Let’s be honest, I’ll wear the pants more than the swim suit. 

I’ve been counting down the days remaining until school resumes.  At last count it’s 16.  I’m excited to get some free time back.  I love the kids, but, man…to have my  time when I can sit and watch the news and enjoy my coffee sounds heavenly.  I’m hoping to get back on track with Bible study.  I’m much calmer when I take the time to reconnect with my heavenly Father. 
A cozy picture to warm this rainy day!

I am now pressing save every other sentence.  I have also left the computer three times to pick up toys and do other random tasks.  Focus.

Ok, it’s raining and I have lost whatever mojo for my previous post.  I’m sure that will resurface.  In the meantime…I asked the kids for dinner ideas since I’ll be grocery shopping and they said unanimously that they wanted waffles.  I don’t have a “new” version of waffles.  I buy that giant 10# bag of pancake mix from Sam’s club.   Every now and then I make a double batch and freeze them.  Then in the morning when school starts my kiddos can have waffles that don’t come out of a box.

What I do like to do to “spruce” up waffles or pancakes is to make homemade fruit syrup.  It’s so easy. 

I start with blueberries, 2 cups.  Wash them and put them in a small pot.  Add a cup of sugar and enough water to just cover the fruit.  Let it simmer away as you occasionally stir it.  It will reduce in volume.  Add a pat of butter to give it richness.  Use a spoon to test when it’s done.  When you put a spoon in your syrup and take it out it should coat the spoon like a glaze.

You can use which ever fruit you’d like, and also adjust the amount of sugar to please your taste. 


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