Tuesday, February 11, 2014

After eight years of living in the South, my body has acclimated to a more mild climate.  I shiver now when it's 6o degrees in the shade. I remember a time when I would giggle at my husbands grandmother who would wear ear muffs in the summer, it's not so funny anymore.

Why all the talk of cold? Because cold makes me crave comfort food.  Thinking back over my childhood nothing warmed me up like tomato soup and a gooey grilled cheese sandwich. 

Well, as I’ve grown, my taste buds have matured a bit.  The tomato soup of my childhood tastes a little tinny now.  Then, I caught a show on Food Network.  The Sandwich King made a homemade tomato soup.  If that goof ball can do it, certainly I can too. 

So, I tried it out, and it is so easy.  I had to share. What follows is a mish mash of his recipe and mine. 

1 medium onion cut into large chunks
1 stalk of celery

2-3 carrots thinly cut lengthwise

1 pint grape/cherry tomatoes or 3-4 tomatoes on the vine. 

1 red bell pepper roughly chopped.

1 28 oz can crushed tomatoes

1 bullion cube

1/2-3/4 cup heavy cream

Now, those veggies are going on a cookie sheet.  Spread them out and drizzle on some olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Roast them in an oven preheated at 375 for 15-25 minutes.  Checking on them and turning them if necessary.  You’re looking for them to start to caramelize, to lightly brown.  

 Before they burn, pull them out and scrape them into a dutch oven over med-high heat.  Add a can of crushed tomatoes  (28 oz).  I pulled mine a little early.  I needed to get dinner ON THE TABLE.  These probably could use a good 10 more minutes. 

Bring it all up to a light simmer.  Now it gets fun.  I use a hand mixer, you can use a food processor or a regular blender if you want.  Be extra careful with the hot liquid.  Mix all that tomaotey goodness into a smooth puree. 

Next, taste, taste, taste.  Salt and pepper…maybe like ½ -1 tsp of salt.  A chicken bullion cube will help enhance flavor. If it’s too thick, add water, a little at a time.    And finish with heavy cream. 

Pair the soup with grilled cheese sandwiches and you have a sure fired hit with the kids on your hands. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so trying this without the chicken bullion... thanks for the recipe.
