Thursday, January 16, 2014

When I grow up.....

Twelve things are fighting for my attention.  I flit from task to task; not quite completing some.  My mind doesn’t want to stay still.  I’ve felt like I need to set a purpose, a plan…or better yet, some resolutions.  What luck, it is the season for writing them. 

Last August  I had come across my old list.  Old is appropriate since a quite a few items have been faithful repeats from years past.   Hmmm.  The same fifteen pounds I haven’t lost.  A new one had appeared that gave me pause:  Love the Children. 

I was a little uncomfortable about that one.  A little raw honesty goes a long way.   There.  I have a hard time, at times, to smile easily…to let the messes roll off my back, across the counter and onto the floor. Don’t get me wrong.  I do love them, even enjoy them.  Some days present more of a challenge than others.    I’m sure I’m not the only mother/care giver that’s struggled with that admission. 

Ok, back to this year.  When I was five, I made an “All about me” poster and said that I wanted to be a mommy when I grew up.  God saw that and blessed that in 1. I have an incredible mother and 2. I have the privlidge to be a mom myself.  Not only to my four amazing kids, but to the 15 or so other kids that I have had the responsibility of providing care for. 

That’s a lot of scraped knees, giggles and sword fights.  I love to teach them to cook.  Well, crack eggs. Eggs are the best bridge into the kitchen (in my opinion).  You get to break a shell..and they are slimy and gross.  We also have enjoyed countless hours of board games and art projects. 

Quick time out to straighten a picture and help Natalie on the Xbox.  Natalie, who by the way, will be going into Kindergarten this fall.  That leaves me with lots of free time during the day.  It’s a little scary to think about.  For the last fourteen years my life has been all about the little people during the day. 

Another dream for my life that I had in elementary school was to be a writer. It’s been almost a year since my last blog post.  I’m feeling like God is prompting me to get back to it. 

I think I’ve got my list together now:                                                                                    

1.       Keep moving closer to my Creator

2.       Write more

3.       Continue exercising

4.       Work on more cooking videos (with kids)


It may not seem like much, but, it sure feels better to get that done and off my chest.   

1 comment:

  1. Very nice blog, especially concerning your incredible Mother! Seriously, You have a talent for writing,among other things, so keep it going. Love you, Mom.
