Tuesday, February 5, 2013



That dreaded word.  Why can’t I……  Why did you……Why? Why? Why? Finally I can’t take it and say , “stop saying why.  If you ask me again, you’re in time out.”  But, Miss Anne, “why isn’t a bad word…why can’t I say it.” 

Don’t worry, I did not send a four year old to time out for that last one, but I have been sitting with their honest little question.  Why isn’t a bad word in itself…it’s the attitude of constant questioning that irks me. 

Then I think a little further….how often do I waste time asking God why about stuff when I should be still and relax in knowing that he’s got it under control.  That’s faith in action. 

I know that they’re not asking me “why” to irritate me.  It’s the opposite; they’re asking me that to keep a dialogue open.  They want to know that they still have my attention (as annoying as it is).  That they matter, and that I care about them.   

I’m thankful that my Father in heaven, is still patient with me when I get a case of the why’s.

Natalie, why is there marker all over your face?

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