Monday, October 26, 2015

Mexican Lasagna with a side of me.

Facebook has a “time hop” feature that shows you posts that you made on that day “x” years ago.  A year ago I posted about dreaming big dreams.  I had wanted to audition for the Next Food Network Star in Atlanta.  I never went. 

I have a husband who’s supportive and kids who want me do to it; not to mention extended family and friends encouraging me to “Just Do It”!  I chickened out.  I tell my kids not to live with regret, and I’m showing them hesitation. 

This past year I’ve been stepping out more.  While on vacation, I entered an “Iron Chef” competition.  Not realizing people would have their children judge, my Grilled Bbq Shrimp didn’t go over the greatest; or, it could be that my presentation was covered in nerves.  The winner was Philly Chili and the guy who presented could sell ice to an Eskimo and apparently beans to kids (except mine).

Love this girl!
My sweet friend, Shannon and I had the opportunity to do a Skype interview to be on a new show underdevelopment on Food Network.  It was a church cooking competition.  We never did hear back from them, even after multiple calls and emails.  That will not dampen my dream.
I entered a BBQ and Dessert Cook Off.  I made a lemon cheese cake.  That won second place.  Local restaurant owners judged the event.  I heard one say that he would put my dessert on his menu.  
Lemon Cheesecake!

I finally took platters of my pumpkin rolls up to the school for the teachers, in the hopes of drumming up baking orders.  I had only been thinking about doing it for two years.  I froze a little when asked what they were, but managed to describe the delicate, moist pumpkin spice cake rolled with homemade cream cheese filling. 

Ok, I’ll stop talking about myself.  My point in all this is that I’m ready to start moving towards my outrageous, God sized goal.  I finally completed the online application for Food Network Star.   One of the recipes I talked about in my application was for the Mexican Lasagna I talked about on Facebook last week.  I promised a few friends that I would write it down for them.   

Red Sauce with sour cream mixture
Mexican Lasagna:
You will need:
1 box oven ready Lasagna noodles
1 pkt taco seasoning
½ cup diced onion
1 # ground pork
8 oz shredded Colby Jack cheese
Layering the tortilla chips on the sour cream.
8 oz shredded Mozzarella cheese
½ cup sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 large can of red enchilada sauce
12 oz crushed tomatoes
2c crushed tortilla chips

And now the cheese!
1.       Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2.       Brown the pork over medium heat making sure to break it up well. Add the onion and cook until the onion is tender.
3.       Add the enchilada sauce and crushed tomatoes. Remove            from heat.  
4.       In a small bowl, combine the sour cream and cream of chicken soup
5.       In a 13x9 pan take two ladles of red sauce and spread on bottom.  Add a layer of noodles.

Finished product!
6.       Next spread the cream mixture on the noodles and    sprinkle with crushed tortilla chips and mozzarella cheese
7.       Top that with the red sauce. Repeat two more times. 
8.       The top layer use all the reaming sauce, then smother with     the Colby Jack cheese. 
9.       Loosely tent foil over the top and cook at 350 for 45-50 minutes.  When a knife can be   inserted cleanly through the noodles, remove the foil and cook for 10 minutes more to brown the cheese
10.   Remove from the oven and let stand for 10-15 minutes so the sauce can be absorbed, otherwise, when you cut a slice the sauce will be too loose.

I topped mine with chopped avocado, home made pico de gallo and taco sauce.  I hope you enjoy it, it's perfect for this time of year as the days are getting cooler.  Happy Fall Y'All!

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