Monday, August 24, 2015

School's back in session! Mommy can have a moment to herself!!! So she made soup.

1st and 3rd grade!
 I saw a lonely yellow leaf falling through the air and all around the edges of the landscape, autumn is creeping in.  I love fall.  It is my favorite season.  I think it's the relief from summers energy.  It's a time to slow down and get ready for the slow crawl of winter. 

6th Grade!
Not that there is much of a slow crawl at the Barz house.  Winter means basketball.  Natalie is going to begin to play and Lucas will be in his second season. 
Speaking of the kiddos, school started last week.  It's hard to believe that I have a Sophomore now.  Oh, and a 6th grader, 3rd grader and 1st grader. Everyone has been adjusting ok to getting back on schedule, even me. 

10th grade!
I love getting my space back.  Don't get me wrong, I love my sweeties and the summer sweeties I get; however, I also learned last year, when Natalie started kindergarten, that I also love to be alone....and to have the freedom to go to lunch or grocery shop with out the million "MOM, Can I's.." thrown my way. 
"What does that have to do with food?" you ask.  (You know you were here for the food.  I show up for food.) I'm so glad you asked.  I now have time to try out new recipes.  To move around in my kitchen with out little bodies tripping me up is a beautiful thing.  My dog, Jett, more than makes up for the space the kids leave. 
So, I tried a recipe I had written down last year.  Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup.  I tweaked it a little and voilà! A delicious soup that is an interesting twist on plain ole' chicken noodle soup.  (Sorry chicken noodle soup, we still love you when we're sick and needy.)
I wish I would've taken pictures of the different steps.  Please use your imagination when thinking about diced celery and onions. 

Lemony Chicken and Orzo Soup

Lemony Chicken and Orzo Soup
1.5# chicken breast or thighs, you can keep them whole and then shred them before serving.
3 cloves of garlic, smashed and minced
1 medium onion, diced
2 celery stalks, diced
3 sprigs fresh thyme
1 sprig fresh rosemary
2 bay leaves
6 cups chicken stock (maybe 7..)
juice of 1 lemon...2-3 tbsp.
3/4 c uncooked orzo pasta
1 can of cannellini beans..(I have been craving beans).
1/2 c white wine, or white zinfandel..which ever you drink.  I had white zin. so that's what I used
salt n pepper to taste
2 tsp fresh chopped parsley, I had cilantro..that's what I used and it turned out great. 

Whenever possible, go for the fresh herbs.  They make a difference.  It really tastes "fresher".

All've got your ingredients. Let's do this!

In a little extra virgin olive oil, brown the chicken.  Make sure you salt and pepper it before you put it in the oil.  We're building flavor.
After it browns on both side, remove from pan and add the veggies (not the herbs yet). Soften them. Talk sweetly to them.  Maybe say a prayer over the food (not joking on this) that those that eat it are blessed.  That's putting LOVE in the food.

When the veggies are soft, add the wine.  I know in real's ususally wine, then sweet talk..but, they're veggies, it's ok. Give it a stir to scrape up the yummy bits in the bottom of the pan. 

Lucas, Jett and Skye snuggling.
Now, put the chicken back., toss in the herbs. Add the broth.
Add in your beans and lemon juice.  Put the lid on and let it simmer away for at least 30 min, then
fish out the chicken, chop it up then put it back in the pot.
Add the orzo and put the lid back on.  Simmer for 15 more min. or until the orzo is tender.  Add more broth if it's too thick.  Taste to see if you need more salt and pepper. 

When you serve it, sprinkle on the parsley. 

I served it with homemade whole wheat rolls and salad.  Even though it was 91 outside, it didn't feel "too hot to eat soup." (Who gets that?) The lemon and herbs brighten it up.

I hope you enjoy it. 

Blessings to you and your families.

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