Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Camping and ANOTHER Meatball Recipe

Me and my sweeties.  Daddy's behind the camera.

It feels like fall today.  I am a happy girl.  This Michigan in me is thriving in the cool weather.  The overcast sky doesn’t annoy me either, at least for today.  I finally let Harrison make my meatballs last night.  It was a big step for me and a proud moment for him.  He did a great job. 
I was flipping back through the pictures on my phone and found another picture of a bacon wrapped meatloaf.  We are carnivores.  I admire vegetarians…I’ve tried meat free dinners and while my family does enjoy my mac n’ cheese, they’re used to it as a side dish. 

Hamming it up!
A long time ago I served my sweetheart Special K loaf…not a winner dinner.  Granted, it doesn’t look the greatest.  It’s a dish with a great personality but lacks in the beauty department.  I’m not quite sure where I was going with that…other than I may share my meatball recipe. 

Over Labor Day weekend we had the pleasure of camping at Myrtle Beach State Park.  It was fun.  The older boys have graduated into their own tent and I think were happy for the independence.   There’s something primal about camping, to get away and unplug from busy day to day life. 
We were within walking distance of the beach, which was fantastic.  I do wish we had spent a little more time in the water, however when the blue flag goes up warning of dangerous animals…I’m smart enough not to go jump into a shark’s tummy.  I would be one meaty mouthful. 
We were able to feed sharks! There’s a fishing pier at the state park and some salty codgers were emptying their bait buckets and within minutes, 3-5 black tipped sharks swam up and gobbled them up.
Helping to clean
up the bait.
Those shadows are sharks!
I do wish we could’ve made it further into our nature walk.  I had wanted to follow the trail to the salt marsh on down to the ocean, but my sweet children were “too tired, how much further, I can’t walk, the bugs won’t stop biting me, aaahhh!” Another time then.  I love them so much it hurts some times.

Camping really is fun.  Packing up in the rain, is not fun.  Getting home and taking a shower without fear of someone walking in on you, is still a dream, but refreshing none the less.                                                                                                                                                                    
Here is the meatball recipe from last night ala Harrison David Barz.

  • 1# bulk breakfast sausage
  • 1# ground turkey
    Meatball slider
    1# ground chicken (I had chicken thighs on hand and just buzzed them through the meat grinder. Fun and a little gross, perfect for a 11 1/2 year old.)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 slices sandwich bread torn into small pieces
  • 1 sleeve saltine crackers
  • 1/4 cup parmesan cheese
  • I like mine with slaw and
    1 tbsp dried parsley
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 3 shakes of worcestershire sauce
In a large bowl, combine all of your ingredients, with your hands.   Once everything is incorporated, form the meat into balls the size of a golf ball.  Harry wanted his larger..so like egg size. 

In a hot pan, add a little (1 tbsp) oil and place the balls in the pan, being careful to leave space around the meat so that it will brown.

Turn them every few minutes to make an even crust.  When they’re browned, remove them to drain on paper towel and then place in spaghetti sauce. 
Natalie and her nature notebook.

My sauce is super simple:
1 jar Aldis meat flavored sauce
1/2 cup red wine
1 beef bullion cube
1 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes
After all the balls have been browned (I secretly snicker at EVERY mention of “ball”. I’m sorry I’m so juvenile.) Let them simmer in the sauce from 20-40 minutes.  They will finish cooking in the sauce.  Serve over hot noodles or in little slider buns for meatball subs. 
Can you say, "mini-Will"?
Our camp at Myrtle Beach State Park.


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