Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Spring Break!

Ahh.  The first day of spring break.  Relaxation, sun and fun, right? I wish.  The first few days of any transition are met with resistance by my ten year old.   One minute he’s great, the other, he’s so not.  Combining that emotion with five other kids is challenging to say the least.  Once we get a routine established, things fall into place fairly easily. 

 On these lazy days, it’s important to have at least one activity to keep people busy.  I’m grateful to my mother for the idea of combining my adventure nature hike with a scavenger hunt.  I grabbed paper sacks for each of my kiddos and wrote a list of things for them to find while we walked.  I set the timer on my phone for 45 minutes and off we went.  When the timer dinged we would turn it around and head back.  Great in theory, until you check the time and realize that you never pressed start.  Operator error. 

It made for an entertaining break from the monotonous morning at home.  We saw a lizard and a giant black snake; and, hiked through underbrush and over rickety bridges.  It helped blow some of the stink off.  By the time we got back, washed up, and had lunch, we were ready for quiet time.  Ahhh. 

Scavenger Hunt Bags

My man Harry.
The giant black snake.
This creek reminds me of my
parent's house. 

Weeks like this, my crock pot is my best friend.  I had thawed some chicken breasts, sprinkled them with 2 packets of taco seasoning, one can of tomato sauce, two cups of water and a chicken bouillon cube; easy chicken tacos.  All that was left to do was to shred lettuce, open a package of shredded cheese and make some fresh pico de gallo.

Done and done.  Tomorrow will be spent feeding swans and making up a quick pork roast in (you guessed it) my crock pot.  J

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