Wednesday, March 2, 2016

You Are My Sunshine...

My six year old took me to school.  It started with new shoes.  I couldn’t find any cute Velcro shoes so it was on to the dreaded tie shoes.  Ugh.  The shoes that cause time to stand still as we bend over and retie them 20 times a day.  Anyway…we found a super cute pair and I told her she’d have to learn how to tie them. 
Confession: I (let her) lied that she learned how in kindergarten (Sorry Ms. Burt).  She really wanted the shoe charm..(Enabler)

So, when it was time to learn..she tried and tried and kept trying.  Wouldn’t you know, she eventually got the hang of it?  I told her “good job honey.   I’m so proud you didn’t give up”.  To which she replied, “If I would have given up, I wouldn’t have reached my goal.”  
Boom!  It’s so simple my six year old got it; I hope some of her determination came from me.  I won’t take too much credit though, how many times have I given in to the siren song of the thin mint cookies? 

She’s had lots of milestones lately.  She lost her front teeth, we had our first mommy/daughter shopping trip, she got glasses  and don’t forget those shoelaces!

I think it’s good to have milestones.  Homeownership, children and jobs are some.   While my goals aren’t as tangible as someone who works outside of the home, I do try to expand my culinary skills. Eventually, someday, I’d like very much to cook for people as a profession.  What that will look like, I’m still not sure. 

I made a new cake roll.  For those new to my blog, fall time brings out my pumpkin rolls.  They are moist, delicate pumpkin spice cake rolled up with homemade cream cheese filling.  I’ve also come to make red velvet, chocolate and now a lemon flavored one. 

Lemon curd had previously intimidated me; but, I like to try new things and thought I’d give it a shot. Don’t give up, remember? I first used lemon curd on a cheesecake I entered in a dessert contest.  I took home second place for it.  Anyway… I made it again for this cake roll.  It was a vanilla cake, lemon curd, and a whipped cream-cream cheese filling.  Yum!

The lemon curd recipe is super easy. 

Lemon Curd

      ·         ¾ cups fresh lemon juice
      ·         ¾ white sugar
      ·         1 tbsp lemon zest
      ·         3 eggs
      ·         1 stick or ½ cup butter

Put all the ingredients in a heavy bottomed sauce pan and on medium heat keep stirring until it thickens.  Use a wisk and don’t stop stirring.  I strained it when I transferred it to a container to cool.  I lost the lemon zest, but it also strained out some eggy globs (keep stirring so you don’t get a lot of eggy globs).

Place a sheet of plastic wrap directly on the top to keep a skin from developing and put it in the fridge to cool and set. 

Serve it as is and you’ve got lemon pudding. Add it to the top of cheesecakes for a showstopper dessert.

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