Wednesday, December 2, 2015

My not so thankful Thanksgiving.

So, last week I started this beautiful introspective post about the year coming to a close and working on my goals and encouraging my children to be all that they can be.  It was poignant and lovely.  Then Thanksgiving happened and I took that insight and….rolled it up real tight and shoved it in the turkey carcass.  
Dinner was glorious.  The children loved it and were more than music to my ears with “mom, this is the best tossed salad ever.” “Strawberry (cream cheese and pretzel) salad is fantastic”. “The turkey is so moist.” My ego was very happy.  I felt appreciated.  Feeling prideful left the door open for me to get a case of the “it’s all about me’s”. 

I declared at the table that I wasn’t cleaning a dish. The dishwasher needed to be emptied and the pile up was not my concern.  Me and the Little Red Hen were going to my room to sit and watch Top Chef.

I did all this work (never mind that Al was very helpful with peeling potatoes and apples and helping in any other way  he could) and I shouldn’t have to clean up.  Lucas wanted to do a family fire pit…I answered with “well, no one has done any dishes”, and went back to my candy crush.  My “righteous indignation” was my excuse to push away and sit until my bidding was accomplished. 
Layered salad, Strawberry Pretzel Dessert,
roasted brussel sprouts, sage stuffing,
Nana Mary's sweet stuffing and mashed
potatoes..with turkey, gravy, rolls and
cranberry sauce.
Two days and three dishwasher loads later it was done.  I wanted to give in and just let it go…I couldn’t.  I don’t know why.  We managed to get the tree up and get ready for Christmas.  My spirit was so not very jolly. 
I did apologize about my attitude later..but I really don’t want to let myself off the hook.  Sure, I shouldn’t have had to do the dishes. It’s not fair; but, what echos in my lonely room is what I tell my kids: Life’s NOT fair, but God is good. In other words, suck it up, move on and let God sort it out.
 What really is the point of cooking for five hours to provide my family with a yummy meal and tradition if all I’m looking to get out of it is to not do the dishes? If my food comes with motive other than love and blessing, why eat it?
I think this is important as Christmas is only a breath away.  My goal is not get a case of “it’s all about me", to be flexible, mindful and present this holiday season. 
The reason for my temper tantrum.

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