Saturday, August 1, 2015

I scream, you scream, we all scream for VACATION!!!

This is Cocoa Beach.

Sitting on the beach since
no one wanted to listen
to me talk about being
safe in the waves.

Vacation! Who loves it? I loved it as a girl.  I got to just show up; pack my bag and get in the car.  Now, as a mother……..(long, pregnant pause…)…I need a vacation from the vacation.  Don’t get me wrong.  I love my family.  We had an awesome time.  We got to see family we haven’t seen for 12 years and made memories that will last a lifetime. 

But…someone has to pull the show together.  Someone has to plan the meals, do the laundry and try to create some semblance of a schedule.  Every morning I got asked: what are we doing today.  If I didn’t have an answer, it was noon (with half the day gone) before some whisp of a plan was put before the committee for approval. 
You know what’s difficult? When in the middle of glorious vacation your teenager acts like one.  I have the exception to the rule when it comes to a teenager.  He is sweet, kind, loves his siblings and pretty easy going; except when he’s forced to go to Legoland or I won’t let him hold a scorpion. 
There were more toppings
than ice cream on this
It was a success as vacations go and I wouldn’t change a thing..well, maybe one thing that happened on Wednesday; other than that, awesome.  We had the best Mexican food ever! I held a tarantula and an alligator.  I got to see my sweet sister and we made it to the outskirts of Disney..the Downtown Disney. 
I learned that in the humid Florida climate, one should choose practical capris over a cute sundress.  It cuts down on the chaffing…(anyone feel my pain? It’s a real thing.) 
When you're outnumbered at the pool,
someone gets tossed into the water!
I wish most that I had brought my Kurig down with us since the coffee that I brought was horrible.  Don’t get the creamer flavored with natural flavors…my palate is used to preservatives apparently.  It did nothing to help the swill I was drinking. 
Sibling Love!
These are all first world problems.  I am grateful and thankful to have these irritants.  Praise God for his blessings and mercy that’s new each morning. 
The run up to vacation was just as exciting.  A dear friend of mine and I were able to take part in a Skype interview with a casting agent to possibly be on a new Food Network Church Cooking Competition.  As I type this, I am still waiting patiently to hear the verdict the network execs have given. (OMG, is this really my life? Can a dream really come true? Of course silly, God is in the miracle business.) (Love how I can talk to myself while blogging and the parentheses make it legit.)
Anyway..thank you for  hanging out with me for a few minutes.  Don’t forget to dream big dreams.  Did you know God’s big enough? That He is more than able to help us through anything because He loves us?
 Ephesians 3:20-21New King James Version (NKJV)

20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

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