Sunday, July 29, 2012

Everyone should update their resume from time to time.

I’ve decided to update my resume with the headings of conflict resolution specialist, multi-lingual as well as a life coach.  You may be wondering what it is that I do.  Am I surviving in the jungle looking to bring rival tribes together at the watering hole?   No.  I am not.  There are times that I feel like I am wandering in the desert, but, alas I am at home.  Home with eight, sometimes nine children ranging in age from 2-12.  Don’t worry, they are not all mine, only half are. 

There seems to be an impossible divide to cross each day bringing these warring factions together.  The 6 year old finds it impossible to ignore the 3 year olds demands to “be the same character on tv.”  The 8 year olds can’t seem to find common ground at all other than a shared love for Ninjago.  Five year olds but heads like billy goats, and the 12 year olds circle each other warily due to the fact that they are of the opposite sex.  Sounds crazy, right? This rag tag bunch of chaos has taught me to diligently search out Peace at every opportunity. 

I try to teach them concepts of “bearing with each other in love”.  That means that even though that song you want to sing is cool to you, not everyone loves Justin Bieber so please don’t sing that around Harry because he doesn’t like it.  Taking his feelings into consideration and modifying your behavior shows Christ’s love.  (Romans 14:19)

I am learning to speak six-year old girl.  That language is hard for me due to the fact that my area of expertise is mainly in the male side of things.  I have three boys : Will (12) Harry (8) and Lucas (5).  My daughter Natalie is 3 going on 13.  To those who may not know, six year old girls are very cuddly and extremely moody.  They must sing songs the loudest and will sit still for hours if it means you will curl their hair or paint their toes.  They are the most frustrating creatures you will ever love. 
This summer’s quest for Peace has gone by very fast.  I like to think that I am making a small difference in their lives.  I was rewarded today by a sweet five year old finishing my sentence: Life’s not fair, but…God is good.  My goal has been to reinforce what I’ve gleaned from the past fifteen years as a believer of Christ.  That together as a team we will lift up and support the weaker members, even if it means we won’t get our way.   That we will not take revenge when our Lego masterpieces are destroyed, but that we will forgive the offender.  And, at the end of the day in their whispered “I love you, Miss Anne” I find my Peace

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